
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Random Text 3

bgd dhb ihuhkj +♣♀Üghjguygyuyurfyvgh6tgu6ftghbny7guhjb

Happy Holidays!


Friday, December 20, 2013

A weird game of Monopoly

Now, I will tell you about a weird game of Monopoly. Me, my dad, my grandma, and my grandpa played. In the rules, it says that when you go bankrupt, you can make trades to try to get money.
Grandma had the yellows and went bankrupt to my dad, who had about $1,500. He also had the oranges(what grandma went bankrupt to) and with grandma's cards, would also have the violets(the properties right before the oranges). I had almost no money and my important properties were the reds and the utilities. So I traded $200 for the yellows. Grandma said it was fair so dad wouldn't just win.
Just me, my dad, and my grandpa now. The game went on and I gave grandpa the reds for money. When grandpa had to pay too much to dad, I traded him all his mortgaged properties for $20. So he lost to dad. But, you have to pay %10 of all mortgaged properties when you get them which bankrupted me. But, I lost to the bank, not dad.
I think that's a weird game of Monopoly. I hope you enjoyed the story.
(with mixed feelings),


Winner of story starter is Ana- a kid from school
Story starter here.
I thank her for participating.  Please try to.
The story:
          When I was young, I saw a scary monster. It was big. It said it was going to take me out for lunch.
I think taht's a nice way to end it.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hi Blog Post Readers(My Followers)

I have a new wiki anyone can edit!

My list of sites is
          Google site
          Fun Stuff To Do Wiki

Thank you!


Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm Sick

I've been sick for the past few days.  That's why I wasn't blogging.  Look at this:

I can put any content in this box and it looks like a different window. Try the link.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Story Starter

For this, I post a start to a story and you comment the end your way.  I will pick the best one and post in on my next Story Starter.

When I was young, I saw a scary monster.  It was big.  It said it was going to...



Do what you want to do and don't be limited

Fun Fact

The world was supposed to end in 2012. Twinkies ended instead.

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Monday, December 2, 2013


I'm going to make a lot of posts that look like emails.

Fun Fact


Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Random text 2

vfytvfiyvi7yvrbt876c47456ibtv753sdewqasde3wsxcft5rfvbhjuyhgbnmkoiuhbnmki8uygvbhjuytrdfghjy5ewsdfghju7654wsdvbnju76sji87rdcvbhuy6trfvbghu76trfdcvfr3wazd32qAZXDFRTGHNJI8UJNMKOIJKOIUHGBHJIUFCGY76REDFGYUTRFGHUYDFGHYTRFGHITRFGHJIdutrdfgytredfGUYTGHJrfghuDutreURedfghYTRgyFVHYtfcvUHBoigfU76re76E67TR*yy&yF7Yf&t&yF8yuuG&TFt^%Rde$Ewse4edr67yhu9iuUi(iuHBhytFr$eDe#@wSerYtghuhjokKlkmopL{;L}{;L,"">":lmnBugfTrdsDjjKL;iuytrdkiUTRESDFU87^%$eRTUIO^%RDCVhjiYTFghIutfdcxVJiygfCDviTREDcvBGfdszXZaqqErtgEW@#$tyJKyt%rFVBNJuYTrfhjKmnbvcghjHGFDXcvjhgfcVBkGFcKgfIuygfvBJKkjnbnLKn  MLM juGVCPlkm';lk<:[pokm][LKkmj=kjOIJ-0IH0UHu(hBV*u 87UHb)OKm_pLM{l<+[Plp+{p+{pPLKLOJNBJUjhbvy tDXRTDSASDFGHFENmjbnm<>lk>?:p:>:">:>lojhnjkgfdfghjkgfdfghjkljy#qwerf#@!qw@wedfdeerfg%thgg^th^yh^y☺dbhugvgyuytgfgyuytf*uyfcuygfhogfyuyrewertyuy%$#erghjiouytfghjkgfgMç♣♠♠τ¶↨gbuygbnjuytfvbhjuytfghUFGHUYFG&YTGHUYGFGY&TFGUYTDXCguYFGIUGh(*ytfguI*u876545678987654345678iYTRDFY*&^%$#$%^78765476548&^%$%^&*&%$%*(*%$%^&*(*7T98YGHIUHGBH9UYGy876&^&^%^*&^RE*&^%$#@!@WERT$#@WEFGHI)OIKJLP_)(*UYGV B}

I'm Happy!

*happy dance*I've done 100 posts! This is amazing!  I hope you hang with me for the next 100.  If you do, you will be surprised!  Any way, I'll start of the next 100 today!  By the way, the poll is finally up about my blog.

Random text 1

Look at this random string of text and see if you can see anything.  If you can, please comment.
ewrcb9ecyubrt93c78bq2987vcrbq74289cr6bq92387rcn2y893rncq2987cbrq6987vqbc9n23q8cx7n2q98cyqcrpqpcrwqeircqpwecq9c8y40cpq8 cy29prc8b2309rc8b270c9b287v0c2qn89cn2q0cn382uc90nwaoecyrn2q0c9328rycb2039rc8237bcr023c0q2r9cb82y3cr0b4v6t0vc47qbrcbaobvgorabrogwbo7vt4v3q8v5q045071083410840v1bvpqybvroqbywevubqvyr20bv51360478vb163v051bv801bv0vb-vb1-vb10vb608vb10vb1vboqvboqwvbrq4v7bq3485uvqybeoirvbyq48754vb587bv97tvbgyriuefyaigbqywrcbgerq8ivtqyv8r7cnt4vb65q9c8fhdfghsdfgyurdfgyewy6543wfyhnj8ygbnji8yhj7tfgyrdsdfgyuhjkgfe32qwsd1qasxcvbnml0987trfghjuydfguitdrtyuidsyuiugfyui876543erfgh65rf7ygyygvjiij0oij9hgy7cd6dx5esz4esxzr5cxtc ygvhuhbijnkokmpl,mlplkmokn ijnbikjbjkmnbv,mvkjvifidiudoiuydihcghvhgvcygcfdxzrzezwa2qaq1qq1qaq2qawsedrrf5fgt6ygh8uhu8uhu8ij9ikjgfoidctd83hbvhfu8eurhfbhjeiedjnowlksm nkrejfn jrufhvbfuiufhv huvujfbivjfriifju4uehdbhiwijdhuiwedhfbiwedjhcr9fhvbeidufhbe9HGTYVTvtyvtyuvty44g55g225272468h80opokcqxxqdfvebfe8uhvfuIUTIVUYVTIUVR7UYVTIYVTIYVIUTrtccuytcrtyctcrYTCRCTR7yrweytreywtfuytuytuyYTRYUTCRUYCRueu3uhbfeuhrbfureuvrfg8tgrfuvtreuhfgueuhgvdeuevf8uegdeugfvergfyr7ytg7tg8eufeuvfeuvfuehehrfuweuvr8ug4f7t38y293uy283y845t75t74tegvd hhs uxhbusbu8ebu8dcv udfv15r41f5v51f58541v 58f5459v525952f541f8515c8414cd7414cv8g4f1h51gfd5f1g5fd1g5f4d1t5g1v8g4fvyrtgf14g8t45df1548gg4fy7845hf1b4ht5f1b23h9t6c3v25h6vc89hgf c2398+g528v532grd421v65fg32f541f54312fd54132vag65312fd6g5431fd6g451sdf653g41s6fd8g74es9f86dg741e6fd532g1v68sfd74g98d64g1v6c54g16e5fdc 1cfg745d1vcxfg9g8f456cv4sfg451vct4h51b8456j1ki784j87o94056plkplklkmn lkjnpljh[pkj[pokjpojop0oijhopokjnhpohi0gfoiugf9iuyfd8ud8iuhgfiufd7resw5resaw3waQ21QAQ1QAWASZSXZGVvh uvfrbuedfvbu2wevdc8vg4yrgfvfr7dfcgs8wqaicdownsdxockmnwpf5r1felcm lma sc;, wlm ndien djijbe wdolck me3oednbcjideb bdichbvdhuwsd cvft7f8v 4

New Blog

New Blog!
Have fun!


P. 97 posts so far!


P.S.  Learn to code. Here

P.P.S. 111,111,111*111,111,111=12,345,678,987,654,321!

P.P.P.S. I'm gonna try to make a lot of P.S.s.

P.P.P.P.S. Have a good day!

P.P.P.P.P.S. I have $500+

P.P.P.P.P.P.S Math rocks!

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S This is the last P.S.


Right now I'm blogging from school.  It's really LOUD!  We are doing cooking and I'm not in a group.  I will be in a few minutes.

Blogging soon,



Fun Fact

Most stuff is imported from China.

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Make fun with your money

Happy December!

Happy December, 1 day late!
Have fun as it's starting to feel a lot like christmas!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Outside of my blog

Some of my other favorite sites are: urls) I made this blog!) mail)

More Will Come...,

One a day

I put at least 1
     Fun Fact
     Other post

So I do at least 4 posts a day.

Fun Fact

More people will watch the GMC sales event add on black friday than any TV show that hosts it.

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π



Camp for a week.

You thought I wasn't there?

Of course I'm still here!  I just don't have as much time.  I am still trying to make the survey.  Look!  A sun and a moon and the earth!




Saturday, November 30, 2013

(No Title Needed)

Right now I'm going to Sauder Village.  This is the final day I'll be blogging from my grandparent's house for a while.  Anyway, I'll still be blogging.



1. How old am I?
2. What is the adress of my old blog?
3. Where do I go to school?
4. How many pageviews does my blog have?
5. What is my name?

Comment answers like this:
1=123,,3=saline high schoool,4=123123123123,5=nas.



A funny tounge twister

One smart fellow, he felt smart.  Two smart fellows, they felt smart.  Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.

Say it really five times fast.   It's really funny!'



Right now I have 82 posts!  I think that in less than a week I will have 100!  By the way,  what do you get if you cross a bug with a snowman?  You get 2 things:
A nose with frostbite
A bug with 1000 eyes made out of coal

Ha Ha!







W.O.W. stannds for Word Of Wisdom.  I plan to do at least one a day.


Right now I'm about to help making treats.



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© Elliot 2013

Fun Fact

Hu is the vice president for research at the University of Michigan.

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Fun Fact

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

I'm Still Here

          I'm going to go out today so this might be my only post.  However I will try to make up for it tomorrow.  Anyway, let me leave you with this question:
          On saturday, a man was killed in his house.  The next day, the police arrived.  The wife was doing the dishes,  the maid was getting the mail, and the son was doing a heck of a lot of chores.  Who killed the man?
          Comment and subscribe if you figure it out.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Cool Symbols

The Sun:
Male and Female:
A half:
Up and Down:
The Suits:


Today I saw Santa.  I'm still with my grandparents and even though we were 2nd in line it was still a long and COLD wait!  I hope you are all having fun on Black Friday!

Go to


Have you noticed all the new things on my blog?  I like posting.  Pleast tell me what you like in my survey on the top of the page(this needs to not be in a reader).  I really like posting so I will try to make up for the break in posts.  I like making the happy tips.
P.S. Look!  A song!
P.P.S. The sun:

Fun Fact is the most visited site.
Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Black Friday

Today is Black Friday!  Boycot Walmart until they give the employees more money!  Walmart only gives their employees $8 an hour!  Walmart does not let the employees have a bathroom break!  Walmart makes BILLIONS OF DOLLARS each year!

Posts with the title of ☺ are posts for stuff to do to have fun.  Now here is this one:
Go outside!

Fun Fact

Platnum is rarer than gold
Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Blame Bill Gates for any problem with a Windows device, it does not matter if he did it or not.  This is becuase Microsoft does not make good software.


10 posts today!  Website hint:


I have 8^2 posts on my blog!

Fun Fact

There are more than 1,000,000,000,000 Websites!
Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π

Have A Good Day!

Do something fun!

List Of Things To Do #1

List Of Things To Do

  1. Bring DOS 3 Back
  1. Look For How To Do Funny Things With Coding
  2. Send Email To Bill Gates
  3. Change To Arabic Numerals
  1. Modify IE
  2. Get GoDaddy Hosting
  3. Learn PHP
  4. Make A Popular Website
  5. Make A Scripting Language
  6. Make 1,000,000 Dollars
  7. Make A Symbols Site
  8. Find More Ideas For This List
  9. Use A Different List Marker
  1. Make More fonts
  2. Find More About
  3. Make My Site Number 1
  4. Get A Top Level Domain
  5. Make A Language
  6. Get 500 Users On It
  7. Make A Good Code Site
  8. Have Fun
From Elliot your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!


Please subscribe to my blog.  I will post more until the new year or longer.

Fun Fact

Fun Facts Sponsered By Licorice Rubarb π


Have a good Thanksgivukkah!
Hanukkah and Thanksgiving may not overlap again for 70 thousand years!
I think that is amazing.
No P.S.


I'm at my grandparent's house right now.  By the way, I have something to challenge your mind: If you have to write "1" on a webpage, what do you do.  Have a good time wondering and comment to see if you are correct.  Try to style it and do things like add script and make it a link.
P.S.  More Posts Later
P.P.S. Some People Use ',' instead of '.' for decimals.
P.P.P.S. Have A Good Day‼

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I'm writing at school right now, at the media center.  I will still try to put cool stuff on my blog.  New stuff tomorrow!
Love, Elliot

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I've shifted most of my focus to Eert.  There is also a Eert wiki here.☺  Hope to blog more!


Saturday, November 16, 2013


Sorry that my blog has turned into a dead blog.  I will try to post more.  ♥
From Elliot your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Everything you can type on your keyboard.

☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ !”#$%&’()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL○NOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~⌂ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒáíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■

Sunday, September 8, 2013

 Funny video about chrome.From Elliot your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


I went to New York a few weeks ago.  I will try to post about it soon.  It was a really fun trip and we did stuff like have parties and go to Watkins Glen. I will post more about it later!We also went to the baseball hall of fame.  We had a very good time there. We watched who's on first at the hall of fame.
From Elliot your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!


Have fun!


Me and my friends are making a company called Eert!  It is really cool and you should check it out!  Just go to!


I will try to put up more stuff on cooking.


I keep forgetting to post on my blog.You probably feel like this:.  But I want you to feel like this:.  So I will try to post a lot more.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Kelleys Island

This week I went to Kelleys island.  This is what i did:

From Elliot your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ideas with Calvin and Hobbes

  1. Juggle eggs
  2. Make funny faces
  3. Make excuses
  4. Sell low quality lemonade for 15 Bucks a glass! 
That is why Calvin and hobbes is so funny!

Bill Watterson puts a lot of funny examples in Calvin and Hobbes.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Hello World


Text: alert('Hello World!')

Result: Show Result

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hello World!


Text: مرحبا العالم

Result: hello world

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hello World!


Text: print "Hello, World!\n"

Result: Hello World!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hello World!


Text: 你好世界

 Result: hello world

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hello World


Text: <% response.write("Hello World!") %>

Result: Hello World!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hello World!


Text: Hola Mundo

Result: Hello World

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hello World


Text: <span style="color: green; font-size: x-large;">Hello World!</span>
Result:   Hello World!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hello World


Text: Hello World!

Result: Hello world!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I really like my blog.

But, I also have a lot of other stuff to do!!!!!!!!!

 Did I do a post like this before?

 Yes, I did.

So I am always trying to update at every possible moment.
It is kind of like juggling eggs:
By the way: I really like Calvin and Hobbes!

I hope to use them in my posts more often.

By for now!

From: Elliot Your favorite blogger!!!!!!!!!

Hello World

For 1 week I will put up "Hello World!" In many different languages.

The one for today is Flash.

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Result:This takes a longgg time to load!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Wow!!!!! Almost 1,000 pageviews!!!!!!!!!

I know I need to update more often, but I cannot always find the time.

By the way look at this number:6.2831853071795864... Look familiar? Click the to find out.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The clock

Thursday, July 4, 2013


I know I said I did not have time for recipe of the week but, now that I am doing post a day I thought I would try doing it again.

By the way:

  • People like Google Pacman so much I am tring to embed it in this site.
  • I know that people do not like all the games I embed in my site and a lot of them are too small. I am trying to fix the small games and embed a lot of games so thay if you do not like some of them there will be a lot of games to chose from.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Google pacman

Here is the current version of google pacman:

Flash problem

I know the flash games and animations are small.
I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Star wars camp

Star wars camp
I finished star wars camp on friday. It was the rec and ed one. I had a lot of fun and we all got an oreo cookie at the end.

Also the page views are getting higher and higher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should probably subscribe so you do not miss anything on my AWESOME BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Page view counter

The page view counter does not work perfectly.

  1. It counts my views.
  2. You never see the car meter effect.

So the view counter is not perfect but it is as good as I can get it.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Flash games

I know how to embed flash files in my blog.
I will put up sites will be:

Friday, June 28, 2013


So far I have gotten 700 pageviews!
I plan to have 100,000!!!!!
To do this in need to have a lot of content that is good.
That is one of the reasons I started Post a day.
The one for today is pacman with calming backgrounds.

From: (according to my browser this site does not exest but there are subdomains that do like this one.)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Post a day

You know what they say,
A apple post a day keeps the doctor away.
So now I will try to put a post up daily.

The one for today is the story of my blog.

I like using the computer and finding stuff out about it.
Then I found a site on disney.
I was about 4 years old at the time and saw that the site was for older kids.
So my dad said I should get a blog instead.
He made me a blog.
It was on his google account.
Then when the school gave us  Google accounts,
I went to and made a new blog.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hello world!!!!!

This flash animation was made by
That seem to like the message hello world!
Look at this go outside website!

Go outside!!!!!!!!!!

Why go outside?

  • It is fun!!!!!
  • You lose weight.
  • You get healthy.
  • You make friends!!!!!!!!!

Also, It helps the planet!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I really need to update more often!!!!!

I really do not have enough time to update my blog.

I will try to update more often.
I just never find the time.

Monday, May 27, 2013



I Am thinking of a number between 1 and 30.Can you guess it?????

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Youtube channel

I have a youtube channel and I am planing to put some videos up.

Bad news about the Recipe of the Week Part 2

I will try to update my website more often.

Bad news about the Recipe of the Week

I have some bad news.     I cannot do the recipe of the week any more ; it is because I do not have time to do it.     I also am making a new website called Super Chain.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chocolate chip cookies

1 cup sugar
1 1/2 sticks of melted butter
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped nuts of your choice (optional)
**1 Tablespoon of cinnamon (optional, added by your favorite blogger)

  1. Preheat over to 375 F
  2. Blend first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Add flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Mix well.
  3. Fold in the chocolate chips (and nuts if desired).
  4. Drop by teaspoonfuls on oiled baking sheets. Bake 8-10 minutes, until browned on the bottom but soft in the middle. Don't overcook. The cookies should be browned on the bottom only.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

 I made bread and cookies today.

Will put up the recipes later.

Snow Day!!!!!

Snow day Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Forgot Recipe of the Week

Sorry about that. I had a very busy week and did not have time to put one up.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Steak Marinade

The person who wrote down this recipe makes very good food.
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup olive oil
2 Tablespoons of sliced green onions
1 minced clove of garlic
5 teaspoons of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of prepared mustard
1/8 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper

Combine all ingredients. Pour over steak. Let stand at least 4 hours or overnight (while refrigerated). Turn over several times. Cook steaks to your preference.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Yummy pancake recipe. I have tried it.

In a bowl mix
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 egg

Only mix it until it is smooth.  Then add fruit if wanted. You can also add nuts. Raspberries and  blueberries work well in this recipe.  Now put them on a hot buttered griddle.  Occasionally flip. Take them off the griddle and add toppings such as maple syrup, butter, and chocolate chips. Yummy!

ps from my teacher, Tammy

Monday, January 28, 2013

Recipe of the Week

We are now featuring a recipe of the week.
Come back weekly for a recipe.

The one for today is yummy lemonade.
To make mix

  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 3 cups of water. (can add more or less)
Yummy !!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oatmeal muffins

Combine 2 cups (C.) oats, 2 C. milk ,stand 15 minutes (mins).
In a different bowl sift 2 C. flour , 2/3 C. sugar , 6 t. baking powder and 1 t. salt.
''                         '' combine 2 well beaten eggs , 1/2 C. oil , and oatmeal mixture.
Then add to flour mixture.
Fill greased muffin pans 2/3 full.
Bake 425°F for 20-25 mins.
Makes 24.

Monday, January 7, 2013

I am going to put up photos and info and vids etc. of games.
I like:

And those are just pac-man.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Do you like cooking?
I do.
And I am planning to put up recipes.
But right now I do not have any with me.

Elliot's World

This blog is a continuation of  Elliot's World.